Used DVD. Running time: 1 h 38 min. Age rating: 16 Subtitles: finnish,swedish
Fifth outing for the American Pie franchise introduces a second generation of outrageous frat boys desperate to lose their virginity, based around the despicable Adam Stiffler’s (Steve Talley) cousin. Eric Stiffler (John White) is feeling the pressure of having an infamous older cousin. He’s also feeling fit to pop his cork at not having done the deed yet when all his chums all claim they’re already well into their sexual careers. Getting caught with his drawers down enjoying some adult entertainment doesn’t aid his plight and its almost time to leave high school. Will he be the first Stiffler to graduate high school, cherry intact? Adam invites him and his pals up to college for the weekend of the ’Naked Mile’ event in which the end of exams is celebrated by a fully exposed sprint across campus. Hot college chicks, dwarves, performance enhancing drugs, a dominatrix, buckets of beer and lots of masturbation gags ensue.